A Unique Specialty
While corporate life isn't all roses, there are a few benefits. Well, if not benefits, at least strange things.
You might find yourself in an erstwhile boring meeting, paying no particular mind to what's being said, when you hear a phrase that demands your attention. Today, that phrase was follows:
Boss: "...afasdfasdf jkjlkj asfdasf iwux ouoiw corpse management asdfj eazxcvx uouoiue xxs..."
Huh? (Emphasis added)
As evidenced by the "asdfj eazxcvx uouoiue xxs" following "corpse management," either a)no further context was provided or b)it wasn't noteworthy.
You might find yourself in an erstwhile boring meeting, paying no particular mind to what's being said, when you hear a phrase that demands your attention. Today, that phrase was follows:
Boss: "...afasdfasdf jkjlkj asfdasf iwux ouoiw corpse management asdfj eazxcvx uouoiue xxs..."
Huh? (Emphasis added)
As evidenced by the "asdfj eazxcvx uouoiue xxs" following "corpse management," either a)no further context was provided or b)it wasn't noteworthy.