We Can't End Transmission

In reality,* the reality genre is like herpes. It might go away from time to time, but now that we've caught the bug, it will be with us until we die.
*You bet pun intended
Take Credit

Unfortunately, credit cards don't have a "ready" state. They're binary, either in use or not. If you have a credit card that's not maxed out, it's really always ready.
Maybe it's fair advice. You might get so excited when the ordering gets going that you won't be able to remove your credit card from your/significant other's pocket/wallet/purse.
To be on the safe side, keep your credit card in your hand at all times.
Keep The "CURRENT" In Currentcy*

Tokens have been out of commission for years, so why bother reminding people of their continuing unacceptability? At this point, everyone should understand it's just not done anymore. It'd be like approaching the register in a NYC deli and seeing a sign that says "NO BEADS" or "NO SILVER/GOLD ACCEPTED AS PAYMENT."
*Clearly that's not how you spell it.
They're On The Ballpoint

1) Hobos are frequently at ground level. Pens often end up on the ground when they fall out of pockets.
2) Hobos can not get drunk on a pen, eat a pen or do (many) drugs with a pen. By way of generalization, this makes the pen a commodity they can part with and notice no decrease in quality of life.
3) Hobos ask you for change. Requesting a pen is about the same level of annoyance/intrusion.